The content provided by Lifeline CE is for informational and educational purposes only. All information is provided with current and accurate best medical practices in mind at the time of initial posting. However, we make no assurance or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, or adequacy of any information found on this Website. Under no circumstance will Lifeline CE L.L.C. be held liable for any harm done in clinical settings or otherwise as a result of solely relying on information applied from our course material. Your use and reliance on medical interventions found on this site are entirely AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Although we are medical professionals ourselves, these courses cannot and do not contain medical advice. Informational and educational content shall not substitute for medical care, treatment, and/or diagnosis by a medical professional. Additionally, before relying on information found on our Site, use your independent clinical judgment, or consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional before intervention.